Brad Simpson, DSW, LCSW

Dr. Brad Simpson earned his bachelor’s degree at Brigham Young University, Idaho and followed his passion for social work by pursuing his master’s degree from the University of Utah and his doctoral degree in social work from the University of Tennessee. Brad specializes in working with couples, families, and adolescents in acute inpatient, intensive outpatient, and residential settings. He is intensively trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and provides trainings for mental health professionals across the United States. He has served in several administrative capacities most recently as executive director of a fully adherent DBT program. He is currently an associate professor and director of the Bachelor of Social Work program at Southern Utah University. He is currently the director of research and development at Sunrise Residential Treatment Center a fully adherent DBT program and the founder and owner of 3rd Wave Counseling and Consulting.

In addition to research, administrative duties, and clinical practice, Dr. Simpson enjoys teaching undergraduate students, mentoring students, interns, and clinicians. Brad loves running, hiking, mountain biking, lifting weights, long boarding, and spending time with his family.

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