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Understanding Trends and Preventative Factors in Teen Suicidality

CE Hours 1.5

About this live event

With the prevalence of suicidal behaviors in adolescents continuing to rise, participants will learn and understand the latest research integrated with a developmental lens related to this psychopathology. Participants will further learn practical interventions to help reduce vulnerability to suicide in adolescents and intervene in a crisis. They will further understand how these interventions can be implemented in many levels of care and in many contexts apply to helping treat the clients they serve.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the prevalence of suicidality among adolescents in the United States.
  • Explain the developmental causes associated with suicidality in adolescents.
  • Identify three interventions to help reduce vulnerability to suicide in adolescents.
  • Identify three essential components in suicide intervention/prevention coaching.

Learning Levels

  • Beginner

Target Audience

This educational activity is intended for behavioral health professionals, including Psychologists, Social Workers, Counselors, and MFT's.


5 min: Introductions

30 min: prevalence and research data

10 min: developmental causes

20 min: reducing vulnerabilities

20 min: crisis interventions

10 min: Q&A

Live event Instructor(s)

  • Alyson Orcena, LMFT

    Alyson is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with over a decade of clinical experience in a variety of settings, including residential treatment, private practice, and community-based mental health. She is trained in multiple evidenced-based practices including dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), and mindfulness. She has worked extensively in residential treatment, both in administrative and clinical roles, and has come to specialize in the treatment of adolescents with emotion dysregulation and suicidal behaviors.

    In addition to being intensively trained in DBT through Behavioral Tech, Alyson has also received training from other leaders in DBT education, research, and practice, including Charles Swenson, MD (University of Massachusetts School of Medicine), Kelly Koerner, PhD (University of Washington), and Alan Fruzzetti, PhD (McLean Hospital). Alyson has also recently started foundational training in Radically Open DBT, which aims to assist individuals struggling with overcontrol, including those with Anorexia, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and treatment-resistant depression.

    Before stepping into the role of Executive Clinical Director for all Evolve Treatment Centers, Alyson was the Clinical Program Director at our Vanalden location. At Evolve Vanalden, Alyson managed all clinical and administrative aspects of the program, supervised the associate therapists on staff, and facilitated several DBT groups. Alyson implemented a residential Comprehensive DBT program at Evolve Vanalden, the first in California and one of only a handful in the country. Alyson is a respected leader in Comprehensive DBT Residential Programming for Adolescents.

    As Executive Clinical Director for Evolve, Alyson’s mission is to strengthen and improve every aspect of our clinical standards and practices. This includes enhancing the role of DBT in all Evolve programs by ensuring clinical staff have the appropriate training, resources, experience, and mentorship to implement DBT in a way that helps clients most effectively. Alyson is committed to data-driven, evidence-based treatment, and will work with Evolve’s clinical team to document and publish treatment outcome data for all Evolve programs. She hopes this will give families objective criteria they can use to make informed decisions about treatment and recovery for their family members. In addition, Alyson plans to enhance Evolve’s role as a leading continuing education (CEU) provider for mental health professionals in California, and expand our support groups and educational workshops for families and interested community members.

  • Brad Simpson, DSW, LCSW

    Dr. Brad Simpson earned his bachelor’s degree at Brigham Young University, Idaho and followed his passion for social work by pursuing his master’s degree from the University of Utah and his doctoral degree in social work from the University of Tennessee. Brad specializes in working with couples, families, and adolescents in acute inpatient, intensive outpatient, and residential settings. He is intensively trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and provides trainings for mental health professionals across the United States. He has served in several administrative capacities most recently as executive director of a fully adherent DBT program. He is currently an associate professor and director of the Bachelor of Social Work program at Southern Utah University. He is currently the director of research and development at Sunrise Residential Treatment Center a fully adherent DBT program and the founder and owner of 3rd Wave Counseling and Consulting.

    In addition to research, administrative duties, and clinical practice, Dr. Simpson enjoys teaching undergraduate students, mentoring students, interns, and clinicians. Brad loves running, hiking, mountain biking, lifting weights, long boarding, and spending time with his family.


DISCLOSURE OF RELEVANT FINANCIAL RELATIONSHIPS CE Learning Systems adheres to the ACCME’s Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Medical Education. Any individuals in a position to control the content of a CE activity ― including faculty, planners, reviewers, or others ― are required to disclose all relevant financial relationships with ineligible entities (formerly known as commercial interests). The following relevant financial relationships have been disclosed by this activity’s planners, faculty, and the reviewer: PLANNERS AND REVIEWER The planners of this activity have reported that they have no relevant financial relationships. FACULTY The faculty of this activity have reported that they have no relevant financial relationships.

CE Process Info

Each professional is responsible for the individual requirements as stipulated by his/her licensing agency. Please contact your individual licensing board/regulatory agency to review continuing education requirements for licensure renewal. Please note: You must attend "live" (in real-time) for the duration of the training to earn CE credits.

Before the event, you will receive an email from CE-Go with access to the virtual event. After the event, you will receive access to your evaluation and continuing education certificate via a personalized "attendee dashboard" link, hosted on the CE-Go website. This link and access to the virtual event will be sent to the email account you used to register for the event.

Upon accessing the CE-Go "attendee dashboard", you will be able to:

  • Complete evaluation forms for the event
  • Download your continuing education certificate in a PDF format

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the CE-Go platform, please contact CE-Go at 888-498-5578 or by email at support@ce-go.com Please Note: Emails for this event will come from "support@ce-go.com".

If you have any continuing education related questions, please contact your event organizer.

Please make sure to check your spam/junk folder in case those emails get "stuck". We'd also suggest "Allowlisting" support@ce-go.com. This tells your email client that you know this sender and trust them, which will keep emails from this contact at the top of your inbox and out of the junk folder.

  • American Psychological Association (APA)

    CE Learning Systems, LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. CE Learning Systems maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

  • New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work (NYSEDSW)

    CE Learning Systems SW CPE is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #0060.

  • New York Education Department for Licensed Mental Health Counselors (NYSEDLMHC)

    CE Learning Systems, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0072.

  • New York State Education Department's State Board for Psychology (NYSEDPSY)

    CE Learning Systems dba CE-Credit.com & AddictionCounselorCE.com is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0016.

  • New York State Education Department's State Board for Marriage and Family Therapy (NYSEDMFT)

    CE Learning Systems dba CE-Credit.com & AddictionCounselorCE.com is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Marriage and Family Therapy as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed marriage and family therapists #MFT-0045.

CELS Grievance

If a grievance arises pertaining to continuing education activities or processes, please contact Tyler Gibson via confidential email to tyler@celearningsystems.com as soon as possible, so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion.

Disability Accommodation

ADA accommodations will be made in accordance with the law; please indicate your special needs upon registering at least 30 days prior to the event by sending an email to support@ce-go.com or by calling us at 888 498 5578. 


1. This virtual event will be hosted via Zoom Webinar, and you may be prompted to download or upgrade your Zoom app if using a mobile device. A strong WiFi connection will be required for best quality.

2. We recommend clicking your "Join Webinar" button early and checking that your speakers are on before the event begins. Please do not worry about being seen or heard! Attendee video feeds and mics are turned off by default when entering a webinar. You will be able to ask questions via the Q&A feature.

3. Please respect that no copying, recording, or distribution of live session content is allowed. CE's are provided for the "live" sessions only. CE's will not be available for the recordings.

Understanding Trends and Preventative Factors in Teen Suicidality
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  • CE Hours
  • Type
    Live Interactive Webinar
  • Date
    Thu Apr 25th, 2024
  • Time
    12:30pm - 02:00pm PDT

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